Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (ELTE) is the largest and most excellent flagship institution of the Hungarian higher education system. Its some 33,000 students can obtain internationally competitive degrees in 10 faculties and major departments. The measured academic and scientific excellence of ELTE is outstanding in Hungary, its international recognition and embeddedness (approx. 800 partner universities) have a substantial impact on the international cooperation network of the Hungarian higher education system. ELTE is at the forefront of innovation ecosystem building, digital transformation, sustainable (green) university operation and third mission activities. The corporate relations network of ELTE has a noticeable effect on the competitiveness of the Hungarian corporate sector. Its well-known public educational institutions (secondary schools) and affiliated units (Botanical Garden, University Library, etc.) are the treasures of Hungarian cultural life and heritage. ELTE’s educational, scientific, innovation, third mission, international excellence and organic functioning in relation to European development goals can only be maintained if it has an appropriate infrastructural, organisational and development perspective and funding.