Description of the research topic:
A new research direction in informatics is the development of quantum computers, which puts many issues in a whole new context. Comparing the classical deterministic methods to probability theory and wave mechanical methods of quantum mechanics these pose a new problem both theoretically and experimentally. This includes interpreting the concept of entropy in quantum information theory by introducing the concept of von Neuman entropy. The simulation methods extended to quantum computers, as the Monte Carlo method is a widespread tool in various fields of science such as particle physics. The new model may also include elements that exhibit nonlinear behavior, such as the entanglement of qbits.
The candidate’s task is to develop a quantum informatic model or method, i.e. their simulation, and analysis that takes advantage of the possibilities offered by quantum mechanics.
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Fülöp Ágnes
Required language skills: English
Further requirements:
-MSc diploma
-elementary knowledge of quantum mechanicsHow to Apply?
If you are interested apply here: [PhD] Doctoral School of Informatics – Eötvös Loránd University (elte.hu)
For more information visite the following website: Doctoral School of Informatics (elte.hu)
Funded: Not Funded
Master Degree: Required
Duration: 4 Years
Full/Part Time: Full Time
Starting Date: 06 September 2021
Deadline to Apply: 31 May 2021
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