Developments in Computer Science- Online Conference

Budapest, Hungary, June 17- June 19, 2021

Join this conference if you are interested in the latest developements in computer science. The aim of the event is to provide a forum for presenting current developments, ongoing works, inspiring ideas in all disciplinary areas of computer science. Researchers, teachers working in these fields, as well as PhD students are welcome to participate in this event and to exchange their ideas and results on the topics of the conference.

The scope of the conference is very general and includes topics  both from theoretical fields of computer science and applications.  

More information here:

Language: English

The conference is organized by the  Faculty of Informatics and the Mathematical Institute, Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

There is no registration fee, but  all  participants are required to be registered (link:

The deadline for registration is June 15, 2021.