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Matching needs and opportunities
It’s alive!
After almost 4 months of development, the beta version of the Semantics Engine (SE) is now available. The SE will power the Online PhD Hub platform and it will provide enhanced capabilities such as content...
The European PhD Hub makes strides
On May 30th, the European PhD Hub consortium met at Birmingham City University (BCU) to assess the first six months of project development and plan the activities ahead. The working meeting focused on further refining th...

The European PhD Hub initiates local activities
This summer, the PhD Hub consortium is preparing activities aimed at strengthening its university-business cooperation locally.
First, each local hub will develop strategies to ease knowledge transfer and meet the nee...
… And the European PhD Hub was born!
The idea of developing a platform to bring universities and businesses together specifically at the PhD level was originally born in 2015 at a project incubation meeting in Riga organised by the European University Found...

It’s time to meet again!
Following the general kick-off meeting, the consortium of the PhD Hub will meet again on the 30th and 31st of May at the Birmingham City University. We will have two days of work sessions. The consortium will discuss the...
Paving the way to the hub
It’s been five months since the green light was given for the creation of the PhD Hub and the consortium has been steadily working to set the basis for the development of the platform under Work Package 2.
The project...