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European Doctoral Tuesdays I A PhD Hub webinar
What are the European Doctoral Tuesdays?
The European Doctoral Tuesdays are a series of free webinars organised around the thematic of doctoral education and training. Various opportunities and EU-wide initiatives focus...

#EIF2020 I 3 days of festival highlights
The European Innovation Fest is one of the flagship events of PhD Hub. The very first edition of the EU-wide festival was organised online on 14, 15 and 16 September 2020. 400 early-stage researchers (ESRs), researchers ...

Open Consultation I The future of the PhD Hub
Take the 5-minute survey
Open Consultation on the future of the PhD Hub
The European PhD Hub partners are launching a public consultation to gather the views of knowledge workers and stakeholders on the future of the P...

#ESOF2020 takeaways I Achieving knowledge transfer between Academia and Industry
The ESOF conference, one of the largest European conferences on science and innovation, was hosted this year in the 2020 European Capital of Science, Trieste as well as online between September 2-6.
Marie Montaldo (EU...

European Innovation Fest, 14-16 September: Celebrate the future of research and innovation
European Innovation Fest I #EIF2020
14, 15, 16 September 2020 I Virtual event
[Registrations are closed]
About the event
The European Innovation Fest is an online event that celebrates the future of research and inno...

Attractiveness and impact of PhD training: let’s get started
Attractiveness and impact of PhD training: let's get started
Two weeks ago at the Eurodoc annual conference 2020, we discussed the attractiveness and impact of PhD training and the relevance of the PhD Hub initiative, a...

3 Event Ideas to Boost Inter-sectoral cooperation in PhD training
In 2019, several events have been organised at the local PhD Hub with the aim to showcase the University research activities and leveraging current and future calls for proposals with Industry. They are the catalyst for ...

The “PhD Hub Starter” Online Workshop
The "PhD Hub Starter" Online Workshop
The "PhD Hub Starter" was organised on the 29th of April with over 60 academic leaders, researchers and early-stage researchers in virtual attendance. The event focused on exploring...

How is Research linked to Innovation #PhDHubHack
How is Research linked to Innovation? The #PhDHub challenge
The future of Europe is connected to its capacity to innovate, to drive incremental to disruptive change, to positively impact society and its people. The link...

Pan-European Hackathon to develop innovative solutions to overcome societal challenges related to coronavirus
The #EUvsVirus Hackathon: A pan European initiative to overcome societal challenges related to COVID-19
In times of crisis, solidarity is key. Help tackle the Coronavirus challenges by putting your brilliant minds at wo...