Short description
The goal of this program to prepare students for obtaining their PhD degree through acquisition of latest research methodologies, participation in conferences and teaching expertise in higher education.
The doctoral program carries out research into the linguistic, philological and literary aspects of communication. It builds on consolidated research into national and international linguistic and literary traditions, both diachronically and synchronically, but is also open to innovative and interdisciplinary methods for exploring new fields, such as intercultural, genre, post-colonial, translation, media and corpus-based studies, and on-line teaching. Available doctoral programmes:
- English Linguistics Doctoral Programme
- German Linguistics Doctoral Programme
- Hungarian Linguistics Doctoral Programme
- Indian Studies Doctoral Programme
- Intercultural Linguistics Doctoral Programme
- Iranian Studies Doctoral Programme
- Japanese Studies Doctoral Programme
- Korean Studies Doctoral Programme
- Language Pedagogy and English Applied Linguistics (only with C1 English knowledge)
- Mongolian Linguistics Doctoral Programme
- Romance Studies Doctoral Programme
- Russian Linguistics Doctoral Programme
- Sinology Doctoral Programme
- Slavic Linguistics Doctoral Programme
- Turkic Studies Doctoral Programme
- Uralic Languages and Linguistics Doctoral Programme
The Entry Requirement is completed MA-level studies in the field related to the desired Ph.D. program and a B2 level or higher language exam and a Letter of Acceptance from your future ELTE supervisor.
Review of the candidates is based on the submitted application documents and on a Skype or personal interview. The applicants will be interviewed by an admission committee (entrance examination). In this interview, they will be asked about previous university achievements, the individual research plan and the scientific competence in the field of interest.
The Faculty’s doctoral council decides of acceptance or rejection on the grounds of the admission committees reports made following the interview.
Before sending the application, please contact the head of the doctoral training programme you wish to study at!
Strength of program
Doctoral training in the Doctoral School of Linguistics combines the tradition of almost 400 years of excellence in research and education with the flexibility expected from the members of the European Higher Education Area and outside of Europe. The Doctoral School of Linguistics covers the whole spectrum of linguistics; one can choose not only from the most popular research topics but from topics that besides their academic values also offer the cultural uniqueness in the life of the region.
Programme structure
4-year training in 2 parts for 240 credits. Training and Research Period (1-4 semester, 120 credits): 8 obligatory courses, 4 consultations. Each course and consultation worth 10 credit. At the end of the Training and Research Period, the student has to complete the Comprehensive Exam. Students who fail to take the Comprehensive Exam by the end of the 4th semester (until the deadline of the re-examination period), or should fail the Comprehensive Exam (even the reexamination) will lose their student status. Research and dissertation Period (5-8th semester,120 credits): 4 consultations (4X10 credits), scientific work (80 credits). After collecting all 240 credits the student receives the absolutorium and can start the Doctoral Process. Ph. D degree can be obtains during the Doctoral Procedure, which includes the Public Disputation of the Doctoral Thesis. The Thesis must be submitted 3 years after the Comprehensive Exam. The curriculum can be downloaded at: www.elte.hu/file/KPR_V_A_DOKT.pdf
Carrier opportunities
According to the latest entrance exam statistics the Faculty of Humanities is home of the best and most gifted students nationwide. With nearly 8,000 students, the Faculty has been a stronghold of scientific knowledge all over Hungary. Employers inside and outside Hungary are aware that a graduate from ELTE FoH will be of an extremely high standard. Coming to our faculty will increase your career prospects by the time you earn your degree.
Job examples
Research Institutes, Universities, Language Schools, Diplomacy
How to Apply
For more information: https://www.elte.hu/en/doctoral-school-of-linguistics
For further reference, thesis topic proposals of DSH for Spring 2021 can be found at Hungarian Doctoral Council (doktori.hu) – New topics for 2022 will be available in November of 2021