Local seminars bring together academia and businesses

Alcala PhD Hub seminar

Over the last six months, local university-business clusters of the European PhD Hub project have laid the foundations of their cooperation activities through the organisations of local seminars.

The local seminars are informative and interactive sessions which gather business/industry, civil society and local authority representatives as well as academics and PhD candidates to develop their quality framework for improving the impact potential of research in industry.

Across the local events participants were informed on the potential of the PhD Hub and its development timeline, the main points of discussions were the following:

  • the strategy of University-Business cooperation in their region
  • the opportunities and barriers of structured cooperation
  • the PhD funding opportunities in their region
  • new avenues for funding and operational partnerships with local authorities and industry

The four local Hubs (Alcala, Birmingham, Thessaloniki and Lodz) have successfully held their seminars and attracted 160 participants. Local seminars are the stepping stone to achieving a comprehensive and applicable strategy, taking into account the different opportunities and threats inherent to each area of collaboration.

The local Hubs are now starting to implement their strategy and developing new ways of cooperation with the industry to attract potential businesses and provide tailored support to PhD candidates who wish to contribute to the knowledge-based society.

All the local Hub strategies, as well as the general analytical document, are available in our resources section!