Read about our PhD Hub success story

PhD Hub closing meeting

PhD Hub opens research to new opportunities.

We are celebrating more than 3 years of cooperation and hard work dedicated to the European PhD Hub project! A project that makes PhD training more professionalising, open to the world and transversal.

While January 2021 announces the closing of the project under the Erasmus+ funding scheme, we all stand committed to pursuing success in research & innovation in Europe.

The PhD Hub success story

Halfway between celebration and reflection, we can confidently say that the European PhD Hub achievements have met the objectives of this ambitious project namely, reinforcing the knowledge square and developing an online portal for business-oriented research & networking opportunities but there are still efforts to be maintained to make University-Business cooperation a norm at PhD level.

During the years of development of the project, and especially this past year, the PhD Hub has grown from idea to reality, welcoming new Local Hubs on the way. The intensification of the cooperation has focused on the expansion of the network and coordination of actions and knowledge transfer between local hubs at various flagship events such as the local hub coordinators’ exclusive meet-up, the PhD Hub Hackathon or the European Innovation Fest.

While ultimately, systematic cooperation with non-academic partners at doctoral level remains a point on which the higher education sector should invest more resources, the project has had a generally positive impact when it comes to raising awareness and providing solutions about knowledge transfer and professionalisation of PhDs.

The PhD Hub platform will continue being hosted and maintained by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, ensuring that the PhD Hub network can continue growing and the platform being improved for its users.

All the deliverables of the project, including e-books, guides and products are available in our Resource Center – open access and free.


We would like to thank the partners of the project – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hellenic Petroleum, Euroconsultants, Birmingham City University, Auger Torque, the University of Alcalà, Advanticsys, the University of Lodz and LSI Software – for their outstanding support to making this Erasmus+ project a success.

Learn more about the story behind the PhD Hub platform: