
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing

  • The proposed research looks at the previously identified challenges, particularly standardization and interoperability between networks and devices, and their application to Urban Computing and Industrial IoT applications.

    The main question this research posits is:

    How to manage the non-uniform distribution of sensors and heterogeneity in Pervasive and Ubiquitous computing applications?

    Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC) often relies on readily available data sources for the implementation of its services. Notwithstanding, there is heterogeneity both in the type of available data sources and its distribution (physical and contextual location). This proposed project aims to research the impact of said distribution in PUC applications, postulating the sub-research question of how to provide alternatives to mitigate or leverage system heterogeneity towards the implementation of a system to manage these data sources and their data with the use of data analytics techniques.

    More information on the project, from potential impact to references, can be found on the accompanying PDF.

    To apply, please complete the project proposal form and the online application.

  • Duration: 36 Months

    Deadline to Apply: 19 January 2020

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