The Doctorate Program presented is a continuation of another with the same title that has been taught since the 2007-2008 academic year, with mention of excellence from the beginning (Reference: MEE2011-0049). This Doctorate Program is open to graduates and graduates in the entire spectrum of biomedical sciences, from chemistry to medicine. This large area is one of the most active in basic research within our University. The faculty and research groups participating in the Program maintain an excellent level of activity and scientific production and the number of students to whom this is potentially directed is also very high.

The Program is linked to an Official Master’s Degree with a double aspect, academic and professional, with a clear orientation towards research and development, mainly of new drugs but also towards the biotechnology sector. This Master constitutes the formative period, is the main access to the Doctorate Program and has a strong link with various companies and research centers, both through specific agreements and through direct participation in teaching.

Overall, the Doctoral Program maintains a strong relationship with the socioeconomic environment in which it develops, from the students to whom it is addressed to the companies and institutions of the environment that participate and are potential future recipients of graduates. The real experience with students who have already completed the program supports these events. All current Doctors for the Program are working, most of them in linked centers.

The guarantors and other thesis directors of the program have an excellent research trajectory, as indicated by the number and quality of scientific contributions and theses directed. In addition, their collaboration with other Spanish or foreign researchers is guaranteed by their participation in joint research projects. As data indicate that the professors of the program participate in up to 6 different networks of the Community of Madrid, whose themes are directly related to research lines of the doctoral program (the resolution can be consulted in the BOCM No. 308 of December 28 of 2011), research contracts with companies in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sector such as NicOx SA, Pharmamar or Grünenthal GmbH.

Collaborations with different research groups are common, for example collaborating with the group of Andrew V. Schally, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, (Departments of Pathology and Medicine, University of Miami), Franz Bracher (Department Pharmazie, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München), Carlos Fernández-Hernando (Department of Medicine, New York University), Guillermo García-Manero (MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas University) or the Cele Abad-Zapatero group (Chicago University in Illinois) among others. With these teams there are joint publications, exchange of students takes place or stays of these collaborators in the UAH. Several professors of the program also participate in international evaluation committees such as the European Commission or other agencies in France or Italy or in European cooperation projects such as the COST actions (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) forming part of the Committee of management of the COST BM0802 action “Life or death of protozoan parasites”. In this framework the organization of LODOPP COST ACTION TRAINING SCHOOL has been carried out; BIOINFORMATICS AND FLOW CYTOMETRY at the Faculty of Medicine of the UAH in 2010.