University of Alcala

Polytechnic School

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The proposed Doctoral Program has been taught in the Electronics Department of the University of Alcalá since the 1993-94 academic year. Initially called “Electronics: multisensory acquisition and robotic systems”, after several regulatory changes, in 2008 an Official Postgraduate Program was transformed, composed of the “Official Master’s Degree in Advanced Electronic Systems, Intelligent Systems” (formative phase of the Doctorate) and a Doctorate, denominating “Electronics: Advanced Electronic Systems. Intelligent Systems”. (RD.1393 / 2007).

Indicate also that said Doctorate Program continuously counted with the Quality Mention awarded by the Ministry of Education and Science since the 2003-04 academic year (MCD2003-00189), and subsequently renewed until the 2009/2011 academic year (MCD2006-00373). In 2011, this Doctorate Program was distinguished with the Mention for Excellence by the Ministry of Education, courses 2011-2012 to 2013-2014. (Reference: MEE2011-0165).


Scientific, academic and social context

The Doctorate program in “Electronics: Advanced Electronic Systems. Sistemas Inteligentes “has the general objective of responding to the demand for training of doctors in the field of electronic systems applied to various lines of research. These research lines include: Robotic Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Electronic Control, Power Electronics, Intelligent Environments, Photonic Devices, Electronic Design, etc., all taking into account the demand of doctors in a sustainable economy model and a society based on knowledge, where doctors will be the main actors in the generation, transfer and adaptation of R + D + i. The students who pass this doctoral program will reach sufficient capacities to lead R & D & I projects in the indicated lines of research. These competences in research and innovation will facilitate their labor insertion both inside and outside the academic areas, thus contributing to the promotion of R + D + i in all social sectors where the research lines contemplated in this program find application.

Likewise, the growing interest of industries and companies in investing in R & D & I to be competitive at the international level, entails the need to train doctors with extensive knowledge in research topics of the first line. Spanish companies are no strangers to this reality and every day they are more aware that their consolidation and survival go through clearly betting on research. For all these reasons, the doctors trained in this doctoral program can be a key piece in research tasks for a wide range of industrial sectors. In this context, aware of the importance of collaboration in the doctorate of companies, the Department of Electronics works to encourage the increase of collaboration agreements university-company.

On the other hand, the Department of Electronics at the academic level consists of a staff of more than 35 Ph.D. teachers, linked to the research lines of the program, and who support it. All of them have a proven research capacity, either through the direction of doctoral theses, the direction of research projects, publications in indexed journals and the recognition of their work through six years of research.

The demand for the doctorate program is thus supported by previous experiences in the delivery of programs of similar characteristics, such as the demand of the society of doctors with a research training in the lines contemplated within this program. A good proof of this demand is that to date, all PhD students (about 5 PhDs / year) who have completed their Doctoral Thesis on similar research topics (within the Doctoral Program “Electronics: Advanced Electronic Systems, Intelligent Systems”) They have found employment in a very short period of time, both in the public and private sectors. From the point of view of social demand, it is clear that there is a growing demand for everything that has to do with artificial intelligence and new information and communication technologies. Without a doubt we are in a new stage of industrial society, in which we are all aware that new technologies, and within them Robotics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Electronic Control, Power Electronics, Intelligent Environments, Advanced Automation, etc, are transforming our societies. There are numerous studies (surveys) that show the great social impact, both at the level of employment, structure of organizations, working hours, mobility, health, etc, that all these technologies are going to have