The University of Alcalá offers society the training of professionals in different areas of health sciences, such as the Degrees of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. The advancement of research in Health Sciences, as well as the quality of the training received by graduate students, has led them to continue their studies and graduate studies, with Master’s studies and Doctorate studies, in an effort to contribute to the scientific research of our society. To date, the University of Alcalá has offered an adequate number of University Master’s Degrees, with a high degree of acceptance by the students graduated from the University itself, as well as from other Spanish universities.
At the present time, and according to RD 99/2011 of January 28, the University of Alcalá feels committed and obliged to qualify the offer of postgraduate studies, offering postgraduate studies in the Field of Health Sciences. Suffice it to verify that in the last 5 years, the total number of students enrolled in the different Doctorate Programs related to Health Sciences at the University of Alcalá has been more than 300, a number much higher than any other field scientific, technical, socio-economic or artistic.
The progress that medical research has experienced in recent years is known throughout society, led mainly by clinical research (Clinical Medicine) and by translational research (Translational Medicine). It is for this reason that the PhD Program in Health Sciences proposed by the University of Alcalá, opens both lines of research for those students with adequate academic and professional training (mainly Physicians, Biologists, Biotechnologists) to join these lines of research. investigation. Likewise, for graduates in pharmacy, as well as in other related degrees (Biochemistry, Biomedicine …), it seems logical to open another line of research based on the search for new therapeutic agents; that is why we propose a line of research related to the medicine (Experimental and Clinical Pharmacy).
Finally, the University of Alcalá has launched in recent years a series of new studies of university degrees and master’s degrees in other branches of the Health Sciences, such as nursing, physiotherapy, and in a certain way the sciences of physical activity and sports, in its aspect of the contribution of physical exercise and sports to Health. Likewise, the University of Alcalá offered doctoral programs for graduate students of university master’s degrees with training in nursing and physiotherapy and sciences of physical activity and sports, although, given the “youth” of these programs, there are few doctors in the cited disciplines. On this basis, the Doctoral Program in Health Sciences proposes a line of research based on the promotion and maintenance of health (Promotion and attention to Health: Nursing, Physical Activity and Physiotherapy) where students graduated in the disciplines above indicated can be formed for the performance of a research activity. From all this it follows that the program acquires a denomination that encompasses all these disciplines and is called the PROGRAM OF DOCTORATE IN HEALTH SCIENCES.